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Change Of Signers

Change Of Signers

The Change of Signer process consists of the following steps for both existing and new signer(s) being added/removed from a Vancity Business Account.

Step 1

Notification of Change of Signing Authority

Existing Signers will notify Vancity of a Change in Signing Authority by:

1) Visiting a local community branch and requesting the change.

2) Contacting our Member Services Centre at 604-877-7000 or your local community branch representative by email or phone.

3) Booking an appointment with a Branch Representative to review the change of signing authorities’ process.

Step 2

Existing Signers Next Steps

After notification, existing signers will receive a Business Change of Signing Authorities form to fill out and complete via secured email. The document will be returned to the Branch Representative and the Branch Representative will confirm the document and information is valid. Once validated, the existing signer(s) will sign digitally to complete the request (Branch Representative will provide you a digital document to digitally sign).

Step 3

New Signers Next Steps

Once existing signers digitally sign the Business Change of Signing Authorities form and it is returned, a Branch Representative will contact the new signers to book in person appointment(s) with their nearest Vancity Community Branch. New signers will need to physically visit their nearest Community Branch and provide two original pieces of identification that are current and valid.

  • One primary (government issued with photo and signature) and one secondary (Provincial Health Care card; Canadian credit card).

New signers will physically sign a Business Signing Authorities ID form and a Branch Representative will add the new signer to the account.

*If a new signer does not visit a Community Branch to complete this process, they will not be added to the account.

Step 4

Account Updated

Branch Representatives will be updating the business account ongoing throughout steps 2 & 3. This includes removing previous signing authorities and adding new signing authorities upon their in-person appointments.