Vancouver, BC

We’re making change with Uytae Lee.

Using his platform to raise awareness of urban planning issues directly impacting Vancouverites, like zoning and housing, Uytae empowers locals to get involved in issues happening right in their own backyards, and in turn, inspiring active civic engagement and change in our communities.

“I never thought I’d say that I’m proud of where I bank, but Vancity makes it easy. They put my money towards supporting affordable housing, funding climate change solutions, and much much more. Heck yeah, I’m proud about that!”

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Join the movement.

Members are owners.

As a member of Vancity, you get a share of profits, access to flexible accounts and products, free financial planning, and much more. And, as an owner, you get a vote in where your money goes.

30% of profits returned.

Every year, we share 30% of our net profits with our communities toward co-operative principles and practices, social justice, financial inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

Your money, but better.

When you’re not using it, your money supports financial inclusion, affordable housing creation, indigenous law researchers, and other causes in pursuit of a clean and fair world.

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What we're all about.