Opt-Out Form

    • 1. Request
    • 2. Confirmation

All fields are required unless indicated

Opt-out request

From time-to-time Vancity may contact you about special offers, events, promotions, or surveys. If you would rather unsubscribe from these notifications, please select which channel to opt-out from.

Personal information

To opt-out of our affiliates:
Vancity Community Investment Bank (VCIB) - Call 1.888.708.8307 or fill out this form.
Vancity Investment Management (VCIM) - Call 604.871.5355 or email vcim@vancity.com
Squamish Insurance - Call 604.892.8363 or email info@squamishinsurance.com
Vancity Life Insurance Services Ltd. - Call 604.707.4296 or email wealthprotection@vancity.com

By clicking 'Continue', I understand that I will not receive promotional information from Vancouver City Savings Credit Union but will continue to receive notifications as required by law or to operate my banking services such as election bulletins and transactional information (for example, account statements). This marketing opt-out request may require up to 10 days to take effect.