Education Savings Calculator

Our Registered Education Savings Plan Calculator can help determine the amount of savings you require to meet your child's future education needs.

Please consult one of our Investment Professionals to review your investment objectives and make recommendations that fit your needs.


This Education Savings Plan Calculator assumes the following:

  1. The Canada Learning Bond (CLB) is not considered in the calculations.
  2. Calculator assumes the user has never previously contributed to an RESP.
  3. Tax on the growth of non-RESP funds is not considered.
  4. Carry forward Canada Education Savings Grants (CESG) are not considered in the calculations.
  5. The information and data contained in the above calculations are not intended to be a definitive analysis nor to represent actual performance of an RESP portfolio over any given time period. Actual earnings, inflation and other factors will vary over time.

Vancity does not make any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to any information or results in connection with this calculator. Vancity will not be liable for any losses or damages arising from any errors or omissions in any information or results, or any action or decision made by you in reliance on any information or results.

This calculator is made available to you as a tool for independent use and is not intended to provide investment advice. Actual results may vary, possibly substantially. We cannot and do not guarantee its applicability or accuracy. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only.