Refunds for Pemberton Festival ticketholders

Did you buy tickets to the Pemberton Music Festival? Here’s how to get a refund.

We have good news if you planned on going to the Pemberton Music Festival and bought tickets using your Vancity or Citizenbank Visa. Vancity is offering refunds for ticketholders who call our 24-hour cardholder care department to dispute the charges.

To be reimbursed:

  1. Ensure the charge has posted to your Visa account (if not, wait to see if the charge posts to your account – due to festival bankruptcy the merchant may not post these charges).
  2. Once posted, call our 24-hour cardholder care department: Toll free within Canada or the U.S. 604.877.4999 or 1.800.611.VISA (8472) to dispute the charges.

While it’s too bad the festival has filed for bankruptcy (we were as excited as you about this year’s lineup), we hope that refunding ticket costs will help ease some disappointment. Refunds will be offered for tickets only. Travel or accommodation charges cannot be disputed due to the festival cancellation and are subject to the prospective merchant’s cancellation policies.

Once a disputed charge request has been filed it may take an average of two business days to be reimbursed.