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Energy Use

Energy use

We define energy use as the hydro and natural gas we consume, including that consumed in the heating, cooling and lighting of Vancity's buildings. (In geek speak, these are 'scope 1 and 2 emissions').

What are we doing to reduce energy consumption?

  • Energy efficient retrofits
    We've made significant energy efficient upgrades to our offices, including upgrading our heating and cooling systems to more energy efficient models. These changes have won us awards from BC Hydro, the Government of Canada and the Building Owners and Managers Association of Canada (BOMA).
  • Innovative branch signage
    We worked with Pattison Signs to design energy-efficient LED-lit signage for the outside of our branches, and we've programmed many of our outdoor signs to turn off after bedtime. These changes reduced the energy consumption of our signage by 75 per cent.
  • Energy efficient lighting
    By installing better light fixtures and maximizing access to natural light, we're able to adequately light our facilities using 30-watt bulbs.
  • Motion sensors on the lights
    Most of our lights are connected to motion sensors and turn off automatically when people leave the room.
  • Powering down computers
    Our computer and monitors switch themselves off automatically after a period of inactivity.
  • Solar hot water heating
    In 2008 we installed solar hot water heating in our head office.
  • Labels on lights
    Yes, we've resorted to nagging. 'Turn me off!' stickers adorn desk lamps and other office equipment not programmed to power down automatically.

How are we doing?

Since 1992, our cost savings from energy reduction initiatives is over $3.6 million.